
Sabine C. Herpertz (Heidelberg)
Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg)

Section I

Phenomenological and Enactivist Dimensions of Emotions
10:00Matthew Ratcliffe (York, GB)
Grief, Psychiatric Illness, and the Interpersonal Dimensions of Emotion Regulation
10:45Coffee Break
11:15Natalie Depraz (Rouen, France)
How could I learn to live with no emotion? A phenomenological approach to pathological socio-political contemporary phenomena
12:00Jan Slaby (Berlin, Germany)
Affective Arrangements: A Modest Proposal for the Study of Emotions
14:15Stefano Micali (Leuven, Belgium)
Between Terror and Anxiety. A Phenomenological Account of Traumatic Experience
Parallel Sessions Section A Emotions and AgencyParallel Sessions Section B Emotions and SocialityParallel Sessions Section C Emotions and Trust
15:001) Johannes Wagemann – Metacognitive feelings as inherent aspects of mental agency
2) Linas Tranas – Shared Emotions: What, if Anything, is their Formal Object
3) Daniel Vespermann – Too much resonance, the Wrong kind of resonance The role of trust and familiarity for the affective underpinnings of conspiratorial attitudes
4) Alexis Delamare – Action, sadness, and desire: Towards a new conativist theory of emotions5) Michael Linden – The nature and spectrum of embitterment in society and clinical practice6) Veronica Iubei & Valeria Bizzari – The Pathic Epoché: The Atmosphere of the Therapeutic Encounter
15:50Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions Section A Experience and PainParallel Sessions Section B Phenomenological Classics and EmotionsParallel Sessions Section C Emotion RegulationParallel Sessions Section D Emotions and Temporality
16:207) Sabrina Coninx & Peter Stilwell – The Lived Experience of Chronic Pain: Affordances, Transformation, & the Lived Body
8) Bence Marosan – Taking a Husserlian approach to animal affectivity and animal emotions: An outline of a systematic phenomenological theory
9) Fynn Ole Wöstenfeld – Solicitation and projection. Two kinds of bodily capacities at play in emotion regulation 10) Camilo Enrique Sanchéz – Temporality and the Body
11) Niklas Noe-Steinmüller – Beyond emotion – Towards a phenomenology of pain-related suffering
13) Philipp Schmidt – ‚Emotional Performance‘ and the Regulation of Existential Feelings14) Alejandra Vasquez Rosati
Perceiving the sensation-movement of our body promotes emotional autonomy
17:15Tom Froese –
prospects and problems for the naturalization of affectivity


Venue Alte Aula, Alte Universität
19:00Sara Heinämaa (Jyväskylä, Finland)
Disgust, Hatred, Love: Phenomenological Analyses

Section II

Psychopathology of Emotions
09:00Alice Holzhey-Kunz (Zurich, Switzerland)
The emotional truth in psychopathological symptoms
09:45Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg, Germany)
On the phenomenology and psychopathology of hatred
10:30Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions Section A Psychopathology IParallel Sessions Section B
Emotions in Psychotherapy
Parallel Sessions Section C
Psychopathology II
Parallel Sessions Section D
Emotions and Expressivity
11:0015) Helene Stephensen – Double bookkeeping and affectivity in schizophrenia spectrum disorder16) Rainer Holm-Hadulla – Integrative Psychotherapy
17) Erik Norman Dzwiza-Ohlsen – Affective Identity in Dementia Diseases
18) Francesca Forlè – Emotions and their Relation to Bodily Expressions. A Phenomenological Account
19) Oren Bader – Gestalt Perception and the Experience of the Social Space in Autism20) Abubakr Khan, Shaza Farooq and Zahra Rashid – The Flesh of Spaces: Merleau-Ponty on the Emotional Chiasmus
21) Anna Sterna & Marcin Moskalewicz – As if there are two of us’. Lived Temporality and the Emotional Battle of Borderline Personality Disorder Diagnosis
22) Alexander Nicolai Wendt – Phenomenological pathognomics. On the relation between phenomenology and psychology of expression
Parallel Sessions Section A Psychopathology IIIParallel Sessions Section B Emotions in EducationParallel Sessions Section C Psychopathology IVParallel Sessions Section D Psychopathology V
11:5523) Martin Vestergaard Kristiansen – Interaffectivity and spatiality in social anxiety disorder
24) Gunn Helene Engelsrud and Hilde Rustad – Letting the students be who they are – A dialogical encounter with teaching practice-based subjects in higher education
25) Francesca Brencio
26) Florian Schmidsberger – Affective vulnerability and affective suffering. A phenomenology of painful emotions
27) Sepher Razavi – Plural emotions: Shame in Social Anxiety Disorder
28) Hilde Margrethe Hegna & Trine Ørbæk – Teaching – a bodily and emotional phenomenon
29) Daniel Schmicking – Emotional Dysregulation in Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
30) Hannes Wendler – Value and Emotion in Psychopathology: On the Necessity of and Difficulties in Establishing a Concept of Valueception Disorders (Wertnehmungsstörungen)
14:15René Rosfort (Copenhagen, Denmark)
The Autonomy of Suffering: Emotion, Responsibility, and Mental Illness

Section III

Emotions in Psychopathology and Psychotherapy
15:00Borut Skodlar (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Unattached emotions, transformative experiences and psychotherapy in schizophrenia
15:45Coffee Break
16:15Joel Krueger (Exeter, United Kingdom)
Affordances and Absence in Psychopathology
17:00 Board Meeting EAPP
(Lecture Hall)
19:30Conference Dinner

09:00Kathleen Marie Higgins (Austin/Texas, USA)
Music in Relation to Grief – Emotion, Embodiment, and the Interpersonal
09:45 Coffee Break
10:15Philippe Cabestan, (Paris, France)
Pity, Empathy, Sympathy: What is the Possible Basis of a Therapeutic Relationship?
12:00Final Discussion

The conference is financed by third-party funds from the DFG (German Research Foundation).